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Tumbalalaika is a Russian Jewish folk and love song in the Yiddish language, about a young man finding a smart wife for marriage. The rhythm is like waltz that makes people dance and cheerful. But the melody expresses the bitterness of Diaspora that leads to a sentimental mood.

A more traditional Yiddish/Klezmer folk music style

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12/27 20:00 花雪月風
12/28 14:30 月雪風花





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Songbird of multiple faces

Nitin Sawhney

在多數場合中,Nitin Sawhney都是這樣被介紹的 --- 「Indian-British」音樂家、製作人、作曲家與DJ。他的音樂散發濃濃的亞洲(印度)情調,精彩地與其他世界音樂、爵士樂、電子音樂的元素結合,展現多元文化的思維與精神。Sawhney已發行過七張專輯,並獲獎無數。2009年最新發行的「London Undersound」更網羅Paul McCartney、Anoushka Shankar等巨星助陣。



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It has been 6 years since the passing of Leslie Cheung. But his beautiful image and voice still remain.

風繼續吹 (Wind keeps blowing) has became one of the signature of Leslie’s career as a singer, carrying beautiful melodies and poetic lyrics and requiring abundant emotion for great interpretation.

My favorite version is Leslie’s live performance at his farewell concert in 1990 (although he returned to the stage in a few years later).


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Goran Bregović, the Yugoslav musician, of Serbian and Croatian descent, is perhaps one of the most internationally known modern composers of the Balkans. Bregović's music carries both South Slavic and Romani themes and is a fusion of European classicism, popular music with traditional polyphonic music from the Balkans, tango and brass bands. He rose to fame with better known scores for Emir Kusturica’s films (Time of the Gypsies, Arizona Dream, Underground).

Among those great film music scores, Mesecina is an example of typical Bregovic music style: Balkan rhythm and folk song spirit. Furthermore, it perfectly complemented Emir Kusturica’s 1995 world-acclaimed film “Underground” (Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival).

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Asian invasion

這是一個全球社會的時代,民族風或地方主義襲捲的一支潮流便是印度。最近在奧斯卡大獲全勝的「貧民百萬富翁」(Slumdog Millionaire)是由一個英國導演拍攝關於孟買貧民窟出身少年的夢想與愛情故事,它也來到台灣上映。台灣的瑜珈教室不乏印度籍老師教授印度流派的瑜珈,印度古典舞和寶萊塢舞蹈也自有一群學生。混入印度風的音樂、服裝、飲食甚至是化妝術,處處可見。這篇文想介紹的是這波風潮中的佼佼者,英國印裔的音樂創作人Nithin Sawhney。在切入他的音樂之前,先來看看英國「亞洲人入侵」(Asian invasion) 的社會現象。

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The St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, is a musical composition written by Johann Sebastian Bach for solo voices, double choir and double orchestra, with libretto by Picander (Christian Friedrich Henrici). It sets chapters 26 and 27 of the Gospel of Matthew to music, with interspersed chorales and arias.

This aria is so beautiful and touching. Interpretations from artists can be quite different, in terms of the way in which contralto or mezzo-soprano sings, the way in which the solo violin plays, and also the way in which the whole orchestra is proceeding. Tempos and emotions can vary. There are no best or popular versions, because the music interacts with the listeners differently in each circumstance.


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