《My Fair Lady》應該算是我看過的第一齣音樂劇(雖然看的是1964年由奧黛莉赫本主演的電影版),劇情是頗老套兼階級與性別歧視,對於妙齡女子最後還是跟老男人走有點過不去。但歌好聽,喜劇料有笑點。


後來才知道這檔背後的爭議:奧黛莉赫本(Audrey Hepburn)是別人代唱,還有當初百老匯首演卡司的茱莉安德魯斯(Julie Andrews)被擠掉(或做掉?)的「商業考量」。但這都是往事了......


裡面女主角Eliza的第一首歌Wouldn’t it be lovely我一直印象深刻。(人家Eliza日子過得好好的,你Professor Higgins幹嘛為了打賭把人家推入火坑/不歸路?)




Music of the week - Wouldn't it be lovely,最近這首歌又突然冒出來,是冥冥有話要提醒我?!)


"MY FAIR LADY"/"Wouldn't It Be Loverly?" - from film 1964



Wouldn't it Be Loverly - Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady ) 1959



Songwriters: Alan Jay Lerner / Frederick Loewe


(It's rather dull in town, I think I'll take me to Paris, hmm

The mistress wants to open up the castle in Capri, hmm

Me doctor recommends a quiet summer by the sea, hmm, mmm

Wouldn't it be loverly?)


All I want is a room somewhere

Far away from the cold night air

With one enormous chair

Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?


Lots of chocolate for me to eat

Lots of coal makin' lots of heat

Warm face, warm hands, warm feet

Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?


Oh, so lovely sittin'

Abso-bloomin'-lutely still

I would never budge till spring

Crept over me window sill


Someone's head restin' on my knee

Warm and tender as he can be

Who takes good care of me

Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?


Loverly, loverly, loverly, loverly

Wouldn't it be loverly?







AUDREY HEPBURN herself sings 'Wouldn't it be Loverly'





Julie Andrews Sings 'Wouldn't It Be Loverly' from My Fair Lady | The Dick Cavett Show (Singing from 1:26)




Both of them are lovely~而且從年輕到年老都一直散發著豐盛富足的正向能量~


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