最近火紅的Kenzo WORLD香水廣告,找來電影導演Spike Jonze與編舞家Ryan Heffington,配上“Mutant Brain”這首歌,做出一支瘋狂又幽默、結合舞蹈與時尚的作品。(女演員看得出有些舞蹈底子,但就舞蹈表現而言不算到位。)
反倒是因為這支作品,讓人回頭看了早期Spike Jonze幫Fatboy Slim(流線胖小子)執導的MV “Weapon of Choice” — 中年男子Christopher Walken的奇想。儘管視覺設計、Christopher Walken太有戲的舞自成一條吸睛的故事線,舞蹈的動感背後獨特的碎拍音樂設計和歌詞含義帶出Fatboy Slim做音樂的獨特看法。
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
You can go with this,
Or you can go with that
Walk without rhythm
it won't attrack the worm
Weapon Of Choice
Fatboy Slim簡直是當年唸書時無所不在、無所不播的大紅人,電音玩到極致,打碟技巧高超,歌曲風格多元,簡潔但言之有物的歌詞,非典型創意的MV。
名曲Praise you也是首充滿正面能量的歌曲,福音風居然可以和電音結合,together and praise。
We've come a long long way together,
Through the hard times and the good,
I have to celebrate you baby,
I have to praise you like I should
Praise you
超級名曲Rockafeller Skank大概可以當作DJ打碟的教科書吧?(DJ跳針真的可以整死舞池裡跳舞的瘋子們,難怪王牌DJ總給人一種呼風喚雨的感覺)
一直重複的歌詞 “The funk soul brother, check it out now, the funk soul brother, right about now.” 就像音樂節奏的一部分了,洗腦洗腦洗腦.......
Rockafeller Skank
但本文,應該是Fatboy Slim和聽電音時期的懷舊碎念吧?(唉~又是ㄧ段耽迷放空迷幻感來麻木情緒的黑暗過去...)
延伸閱讀:"Weapon Of Choice"歌詞
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Listen to the sound of my voice
You can check it all out, it's the weapon of choice
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
It's the new weapon, weapon of choice
[2x Chorus:]
You can go with this,
Or you can go with that,
You can go with this,
Or you can go with that,
You can go with this,
Or you can go with that,
Or you can throw with (us) [only the 1st time]
Walk without rhythm
it won't attrack the worm
Walk without rhythm
and it won't attrack the worm
Walk without rhythm
and it won't attrack the worm
If you walk without rhythm
ah, you never learn
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Be careful, we don't know them
Be careful, we don't know them
Be careful, we don't know them
[2x Chorus]
Organically grown, through the hemisphere I roam
Too big love to the angels of light
Yeah, and my girl
She just don't understand
is gone beyond being a man
As I drift off into the night, I'm in flight
She's a Boy scout no doubt
but I'm going to hold my cool,
because of easy rules
Yeah, so move on baby, yeah
Halfway between the gutter and the stars, yeah
Halfway between the gutter and the stars, yeah
- Sep 09 Fri 2016 12:45
舞在Fatboy Slim電音裡