倫敦傳統士紳經常到介於Trafalgar Square和Piccadilly間的巷弄中低調購物。從國家藝廊(National Gallery)前面經過,沿著Paul Mall繞過St. James Square,經過Duke of York Street以及Jermyn Street走到Piccadilly的路上,兩旁建築皆是Nash式的設計,貴族氣十足,附近的拱廊商場販售著傳統上流社會人士到鄉村度假所需的獵具、狩獵服裝、釣具等等裝備。
Jermyn Street算是倫敦上流社會或任何講究穿著格調的紳士們治裝的最佳去處,大多都是歷史悠久製作深具英國風格服飾配件的專門店舖,有以傳統裁縫手工與手法、專門量身訂作的男裝襯衫專賣店,還有傳統英國紳士出門必備的帽子和雨傘專賣店。和其他購物商圈以平價或大眾流行風格不同,Jermyn Street雖然也有知名名牌如Dunhill或Daks的店面,但沒有大批人潮來往,也少有折扣帶來的高峰買氣。這裡的商店小巧、專門,客源固定,主顧關係維繫多年。
- Mar 18 Wed 2009 00:04
- Mar 14 Sat 2009 12:17
Music of the week - O sole mio
I would like to dedicate "O sole mio" to my father.
I believe this was one of his favorites song in his life time. While he was in his illness, he always requested to play "O sole mio". Although he might never care what exactly the lyrics were about, perhaps through the music he could always obtain cheerful and positive energy and enact as a traveler in so many corners of the world, where he has been to.
Here is his favorite version of O sole mio by Pavarotti, who he tended to call "the fat one".
- Mar 09 Mon 2009 23:50
我曾侍候過英國國王 (Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále)
是捷克導演Jiri Menzel改編自Bohumil Hrabal同名小說的作品。英國國王不是主角,根本從未出現,這是電影十分有趣的符碼和深意所在。
- Mar 07 Sat 2009 00:20
Music of the week - Annen Polka/Schwips-Lied
The Annen Polka, composed (in 1852) relatively in Johann Strauss II’s career, embraces none of the innovations prevalent in Strauss’ later polkas. Annen Polka is in moderate polka tempo; four melodies have distinct eight-measure-halves and are repeated in their entirety. In May of the same year, Strauss was asked to guest conduct his Annen-Polka, Op. 117, at court.
Annen Polka in 2009 (Barenboim)
Neujahrskonzert 2009 (New Year Concert) with Wiener Philharmonikern
Directed by Daniel Barenboim
- Mar 05 Thu 2009 00:20
淺談英國芭蕾發展 (Ballet development in Britain) (5)
最英國的編舞家Sir Fred
[Ashton (left) with Helpmann during rehearsal break in 1949]
Ashton真正開始大放異彩是當他在30年代成為Royal Ballet的駐團編舞家,他在1935年加入Vic-Wells Ballet,跟著舞團發展他的編舞作品。
Ashton創作的繆思是英國著名的舞者Margot Fonteyn。Ashton曾說,「若我從未遇見Margot,我是發展不出作品抒情的一面。」,這不止影響他的創作風格,也反映他對舞者抒情性(lyricism)能力的重視。
- Mar 01 Sun 2009 13:23
Music of the week - West end girls
Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe - who are the Pet Shop Boys – met in London in 1981. “West End Girls” was their first single released in 1984, originally recorded with Bobby Orlando, a disco producer of Hi-NRG records, in New York in 1983. A new version was recorded with Stephen Hague and released in Oct’85. It went to No. 1 in several countries, including Britain and the US.
- Feb 26 Thu 2009 23:52
淺談英國芭蕾發展 (Ballet development in Britain) (4)
英國第一團:Ballet Rambert與Rambert Dance Company
在英國芭蕾史上,除了Ninette de Valois外,還有另一位傑出的女性 – Marie Rambert。她的滿腹願景與遠見造就許多英國第一:1926年創立了英國的第一個芭蕾舞團Ballet Rambert;40年後,她將其轉型成為英國的第一個現代舞團。因為她的慧眼視英雄,Ashton以「英國芭蕾風格的奠基者」留名(Founder of British Style),而非只是眾多舞者中的一人。
[Old and smily Marie Rambert]